We all know that teaching your little one to swim from an early age, we recommend three months, is gifting them with an asset for life.
While keeping them safe in and around water is essential, it’s just one of the many benefits associated with learning to swim. The earlier you start your little one, and the more regularly they attend, the more benefits you will see, especially when it comes to their mental, physical and cognitive development. It’s a proven fact.
Research shows that children who swim from a very young age are sometimes a year ahead of their peers in their cognitive and physical development.
Another excellent reason to enrol them at The Swim Factory, Woodend or Springfield, today!
Griffith University researchers looked heavily into the impacts that swim lessons can have on a baby’s growth, physically, psychologically, and cognitively. They surveyed 7,000 parents and closely observed 176 children (birth to five years of age) for three years, who were regularly attending swim classes.
One of the most noteworthy results of this study was that children in swim lessons from an early age are, on average, seven months ahead on motor skill developmental milestones than the normal population.
Well, for starters, that are far more adept at activities like drawing, using pencils and building with blocks. They also tend to have better balance and coordination than their peers who are not learning to swim.
When it comes to motor skills and other physical markers, this study determined that swimming helps the cognitive aspect of child development, advancing it as much as 10 months ahead of the normal population.
This means that parents can expect babies and young kids who are actively learning to swim, early and often, to reach levels of reasoning in areas like reading, writing and arithmetic significantly ahead of their similarly aged peers.
There are also benefits on the language front, with swimming classes being classed as a “language rich environment”.
One of the milestones many parents look forward to most is when their little one says their first word. If you have enrolled your baby in swimming lessons, this may happen sooner than expected, with instructions given throughout the classes helping the further development of language, with the inclusion of prepositions and useful words, like colours, shapes and more. As a parent, you want your child to be intelligent, but social and emotional stability is just as important.
The Griffith University research study found that young kids involved in swim lessons are, on average, 15 months ahead of the normal population in social and emotional development.
They tend to understand direction better, which helps them adapt to school as they get older, and they also are more comfortable interacting with their peers and other adults.
Other research has shown a connection between emotional maturity and regular exercise, and swimming also provides an outlet through which little ones can expend their energy and release frustrations.
You really will give your baby the best possible start in life by enrolling them in learn to swim lessons from as early as four months. It’s never too late to start.
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The Swim Factory promotes swimming for lifelong health and aims to make learning to swim a positive and enjoyable experience.
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Orion Springfield Central
1 Main Street, Springfield Central QLD 4300
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